Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cait and Her Horse WIP Acrylic

Here is a new painting that I am working on. It is "Cait and Her Horse", 11" X 14", acrylic on canvas. After sketching, I masked the areas that I wanted to protect. I used regular masking tape and just didn't leave it on very long. Background is added.

Removed the tape.

Started base coats on the horse and her hat.

Added flesh tone.

The shirt base coat.


Time to start adding details Ears first.

Face. In the reference photo, the horse has a winter coat. Little shaggy.

Now the eyes. Grey blue.

Some pink on the nose. I am concerned about capturing the velvety surface of the horse's nose.

Maybe that will work.

Got the mane finished, too. Now to work on Cait. Check back later to see the progress.

1 comment:

  1. awesome nose on that horse, can't wait to see the finished product!


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