Wednesday, May 27, 2009

West Texas Sunset or Sunrise - Continued

Okay, now back to the mural. The photos are
still showing it as a work in progress but,
in reality it is finished and delivered to it's new home.
This is the left panel. There are 3. There are
buffalo in the background and the the white spot
that you can see behind the pump jack is the
white buffalo that was killed in Scurry County.
It is part of this county's history. Then, there is
the country store and wooden oil derricks.
On one of my afternoon research trips I took
a little drive out the Clairemont Highway.
I found washed out spot that was kind of rugged.
I added it in front of the oil derricks.
One of the old historical photos I found had an
oil derrick with a gusher. My friend, Marianne Randals
was telling me that when she was young they
would take their chairs out to the oil fields
to watch as the wells came in. Snyder has
experienced oil booms and then oil busts.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Under The Sycamore Tree" Back Drop

I am not sure exactly when or how that it happened.
For years I designed and painted thousands of
LITTLE buttons and earrings. Now, I keep getting large,
very large pieces to paint. Our community theatre
is "The Ritz". Their current production is
"Under The Sycamore Tree" Jim Drake is the director and he asked if I would paint
the background. It is supposed to be the interior of an
ant mound. He had some reference images
otherwise I would have been clueless.
Lots of orange and purple.
Selena painted the floor and the steps.
She did a wonderful job. Other volunteers
painted the orange base coat on the panels.
That made my job a whole lot easier.

It was fun listening to the rehersals as they
practiced under my feet. I spent most of my time
on a 20' ladder (see Jim's blog for May 15th).
The production starts Friday night.
Joe and I have tickets and will go
and check it out.

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