This is a little watercolor study I did. It is 5" X 7".
The sky was actually that clear and brilliant blue.
I love sunflowers!
I love painting them, photographing them,
picking them, looking at them, and I even like
eating their seeds! Yum!
Several years ago when I was clowning, my persona
was "Sunny". I was a sunflower clown. If I can find a photo
I will share that with you.
I guess my favorite thing about
sunflowers besides their happy color and easy to paint
shapes is the fact that they face the sun.
There are sunflower fields between here and Lubbock
and it is so fun to see the whole field with the
heads of the sunflowers turned to face the sun.
Hebrews 12:2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith.