Monday, July 26, 2010

New Mural - WIP - A "Work In Progress"

My friend, Richard commissioned me to
paint a "Jungle" room for his grandkids.
This is great fun. I have loved the characters
of this story for a long time. There will be characters on each wall.
One of his grandsons came into the room while
I was painting. He loved it but had never seen
the movie so didn't know Baloo or Mowgli.
It is such a blessing to be allowed to work
on this kind of project.
I had been working for 2 days and transforming
the room. As I was leaving yesterday, I had a thought
I knew that the neighbors or those
just passing by had no idea about the
changes that were happening inside.
It is like that with us, too.
God does amazing changes on us.
So much of it is on the inside-changing
our heart, our attitudes, our beliefs...
Most of the time it is not real obvious to
the "neighbors" or those just passing by.
He takes such joy in working in and being
a part of our lives. We are a "work in progress".
"We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
to do good works, which God prepared in
advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Apricot Fried Pies and the Crumbs

A couple of weeks ago I posted
a painting called "Apricots in a Paper Sack".
This morning I finally got around to
making some little fried pies.
I cheated and used
Pillsbury Ready Made Pie Crust.
A cup of coffee and a tasty little treat
Our dog, Clyde is a constant companion
anytime I cook. This morning was no different.
He waited patiently at my feet waiting for
an "Oops" to fall in his directions.
Sometimes he nudges me with his nose
just to remind me that he is still waiting.
As I watched Clyde this morning,
the Lord nudged my heart, too.
He reminded me a story in Matthew 15.
There was a Canaanite woman who came to
Jesus and begged him to heal her daughter.
He told her that it was not right to take the
children's bread and toss it to their dogs.
She replied to him, "Yes, Lord! But even the dogs
get to eat the crumbs that fall from the Master's table.
He commended her faith and healed her daughter.
She knew this-
Enjoy every morsel from the Master's table.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Our Flag Is Still There

This is an awesome video about the history
Please take the time to watch this and
remember the price.
This could be the reason that we
don't allow our flag to touch the ground.
Have a blessed 4th of July.

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